Throughout the past ten years, I have been listening to the stories owners share when they call for consultations with a "problematic" dog. It would surprise you what they have in common - these owners are loving, responsible, and dedicated. They proactively researched how to raise a well-balanced dog. Yet, baffled and confused, they have no idea how their dog arrived here. We often think that reactivity, aggression, or anxiety is characteristic of dogs with a bad or unknown past. Don't get me wrong; this is true, and trauma powerfully influences behavior, but it is not the common culprit compelling owners to reach out for help.

Problem behavior develops under the radar. It accrues overtime and bursts like a dam because we do not truly understand our dog's perspective. "Live consciously" challenges the way we know our dog's behavior. It asks us to be curious and learn a purposeful approach to everyday activities because it's the small things matter. Canine behavior is like a trail of breadcrumbs leading us to a deeper understanding.

- Founder of Rising Canine
As we slowly phase back towards full operations, we will be evaluating training requests on a case-by-case, first-come basis. For the time being, these options will be limited to individual at-home lessons until we can restart group training courses.
Puppy Training
The nature of the puppy is soft, social, curious, flexible, and completely uninhibited from the world around them. So how do we protect this innocence while also preparing them for life AND develop the obedience skills they need to be a well-adjusted
family dog?
Adult Dog Courses
The "problem" dog is misunderstood in today's culture. We diagnose the root issue behind their behavior - whether that be stress, stimulation, or traumatic past - and work with you to break these and reestablishing the connection between you and your dog.
Board & Train
Our residential rehabilitation program is unique and powerful. Rehabilitation is ideal for dogs struggling with serious behavioral issues including anxiety, aggression, fear, and severe phobias.

Heather Mach
15 years ago, I developed a passion working with those that needed more and needed someone to truly be with them in the moment. To not judge behavior, but instead to find compassion and offer a bright road ahead. I was an English teacher that went into Special Education and Emotionally Disturbed classrooms working with students with all different needs. During this time, I was led to a 2 year old "problem dog" named Gracie. Gracie's story ignited a passion for canine advocacy, a deep understanding of how dogs' systems work, a six year journey studying with Kevin Behan, and a revolutionary training model and perspective that not only challenges mainstream's approach to working with our dogs, but invites us to see dog behavior through their lens. Learning and development become limitless.
Mark Shuart
My family's childhood dog sparked a passion for me at a young age. She had 100 acres to roam free and would come and go as she pleased. During our adventures together, I still remember the feeling I would get watching her hunt. This dog was relentless in her approach to the hunt, but was so calm and focused. "This is when they feel free", I remember noting to myself while feeling those same feelings of freedom within my bones. Everything she did was to get to those moments of the hunt. She is the reason I work with problematic dogs and trust this process. After years of working these amazing animals, I was introduced to Heather and she recommended I read a book called Your Dog Is Your Mirror. This was the beginning of a new perception. This book aligned with everything I saw in my childhood dog: Everything they are and want aligns around the hunt. It was the pursuit of understanding a dog that was the catalyst of many lessons in my personal life. I have learned that they can reveal so much about you and understanding them on their level will liberate you to understand yourself + other people in your life without judgement.